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  • Hong Kong's apparel re-exports rose 58.3% in February after already surging 35% in January. The removal in textile quotas clearly boosted sales to the US and the EU. The lunar year holidays that fell in February this year did not even curb shipments, far from it. Domestic exports dramatically declined in February, in marked contrast, official data confirming the fall already observed in January. Hong Kong's trading houses are taking a decisive advantage of the removal in US and EU textile quot
  • EU and US will not immediately re-impose quotas on apparel imports from China, although shipments are spectacularly surging. EU's Trade Commissioner Tuesday made it clear that Europe will wait longer before taking any safeguard measure while the US administration is still barred from any action by a legal procedure. Textile and apparel exports from China may boom in the coming months, but EU and US administrations will be long in imposing new limits. "Not going back to the old quota system"
  • US imports of cotton denim trousers from China surged 737% in January after their prices fell, according to first US official data. China therefore became the third supplier on the US import market, although still very far from Mexico. Cambodia and the Philippines were the first victims of China's success while duty-free imports from Central America sharply rose. US imports of cotton denim trousers (men/boys and women/girls) were up 26% in volume terms in January 2005, from the same month last
  • The days of hand embroidered saris are numbered as it is and even Indian machine embroidered sarees are on the wane.Enter Chinese machine or computer aided embroidered design patterns that are now enticing Indian women.China today, dominates the Indian embroidered saree industry, with sarees getting embellished with a variety of designs through computerized embroidery.It was about 15 years back that costly embroidery machines made way in Indian markets imported from Germany, United States and Ja
  • Wool suppliers from the US find it the most opportune to scan Indian markets for buyer making the most of the fact that Australian wool is in short supply.Indian knitwear makers will find in US wool a cheap source and easy to blend with Australian wool that is high priced further, not readily available.Currently, Australia supplies almost 95% of apparel wool imports and it is mafamed for reliable quality, yields, longer fiber length (3-5 inches), white color, low vegetable matter, and low black
  • The originator of seamless sports apparel Zensah Performance Apparel, will be displaying its high-tech performance apparel at The Sea Otter Classic, the most celebrated cycling festival in North America. Known throughout the cycling world as the grand season opener, the 15th annual Sea Otter Classic will be held April 14-17, 2005 at the Laguna Seca Recreation Area, Monterey, California. Zensah Performance Apparel will have its high tech performance apparel at booth 353 which will allow thousands
  • Only those companies having high export figures in the previous year will be allowed to transfer of textile quotas or textile producers that form partnerships with one another will be allowed to do so, the Ministry of Trade informed in a circular issued on April 4.Also, only group members will be allowed internal transfer of textile quotas given to producers in alliances. No other types of quotas will be transferable, conveyed the circular.The circular also instructed that the Information on the
  • Subject to EU deciding unfavourably on Chinese textiles in its review on its new Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) on April 6, China would muster immediate support of its textile exporters and build up a case for the World Trade Organization to intervene. This was revealed in a media interview by an official with the research academy of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce yesterday statin that China would take a legal recourse seeking independent action to engage in a WTO lawsuit. Earlier on
  • US apparel imports could be stimulated by the rebound in dollar's value in the first quarter, compared with currencies of low-cost countries. Imports from the euro zone and from the UK could be depressed by the weakness in the euro and the pound at the same time. With its taka further falling, Bangladesh gets a clear advantage to competitors in the first year without quotas. The US dollar finally rose against a large number of currencies in developing countries in the first quarter this year.
  • Leading apparel and footwear company Nike annouced, The Supreme Court ?in its civil section ?has finally passed a judgment in favour of Nike, after the Constitutional Court reversed a 1999 ruling banning Nike from the use of its name for apparel in Spain. In practice, this means that Nike can use its name for apparel in Spain, as it has been doing in the rest of the world. The Supreme Court has therefore entirely confirmed the Barcelona High Court ruling of 1995, which was first repealed by the
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